Setting up Julian Joseph and life as business owners has been an incredible journey. The starting point was back in 2012 when the four of us found ourselves living and working in China.
A friendship soon formed and many conversations were had about starting up a business. After months of hard work and even moving to the South of China to build better manufacturing relationships, Julian Joseph was created.
The journey so far really has been amazing. Our chairs have received some very noteworthy attention and usually when people learn the ‘About Us’ side of things, they are even more intrigued by our brand.
This was the case when we worked with lifestyle blogger Alice from More Than Toast. She loved styling our Eversley armchair and once she learned a little more about the faces behind Julian Joseph, she was keen to interview one of our Co-Founders.
Shortly after, Louise featured in Work That Works which is a platform to share inspirational stories within business. The piece covers what an average day as an entrepreneur looks like, advice to give to others about starting their own company , the best/worst part about owning a business and of course some questions on working and living in China!
Read the full journey here.